WSi Pay Stubs & W2s

ADP self-service portal is available to employees paid through the WSi (a staffing company that provides temporary and permanent skilled staff to businesses and medical sectors) payroll system. Therefore, you will use the ADP self-service portal to obtain your employment and payroll data, including current and historical pay stubs. Pay stubs are displayed in PDF and can be printed as a PDF document. When you leave the WSi, you will still have access to ADP for 60 days. So you need to download and print all your employment and payroll documents within this period.

Your W-2 form will be mailed to a home address after the 20th of January. Remember, you must update your address when you leave an address. Otherwise, it can be lost or misplaced. Use the following procedure to access ADP and view/print your pay stubs-


1. You can go directly to the ADP self-service portal from an internet-connected device by using this web address;
2. Enter your login credentials and click on LOG IN.
3. You need to create an account now in the self-service portal. To create an account, click on the REGISTER NOW button, which will prompt you to complete the registration process.
4. When you create an account, you must confirm your Identity with this system and provide some personal information. There are four steps-
5. At first, you will be asked to enter your registration code, provided by the HR office of WSi.
6. You will be asked to enter your personal information to identify yourself in the second step.
7. The third step will be to ask you to enter your email address and phone number and set up a notification option.
8. The final step will be displayed as a system-assigned user ID, and you need to create a password.
9. If you have any questions, call 855-WSI-JOBS.

ADP Workforce Now

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I am not usually the one that handles writing, but an addiction. However, there is no addiction to writing on the web at all. Helping co-workers is a more significant addiction when joining a new job. I wouldn't say I like a job for too many days. So today I am working in this company, tomorrow in another company. But one more addiction is to travel to new countries. There is also the fear of winter, so when it is icy here, I go somewhere to find summer. In short, this is my addiction and profession. If you want to contact me, you can call or message +1662-336-1304.

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